Take time to disconnect
Hello. I pray that as you read this, that you are in the best of health and spirit. I pray that you are not being overwhelmed with the many things that are going on online. Its amazing at how powerful and controlling a few words spoken or typed can be if given a large enough platform. Its crazy at how much we've surrendered our power to fuel a machine that can be draining so much from us. The same machine that takes our time, controls our lives and emotional energy. I pray you have enough discipline to unplug and disconnect as often as possible.
I haven't had a Facebook account since 2011. I've never had an Instagram, TikTok or other social media account. Its not because I'm better or on any type of higher level then anyone else, its because I found it too overwhelming. Whenever people find out that I don't have an Instagram or Facebook account, they respond by defending the reasons they do. They use it to keep up with family and friends that live far away. They need it for their business and to network. I don't think anyone is bad or wrong for having one, it just does not serve a purpose for me.
I do however have a YouTube channel. YouTube can be just as bad or good as any other social media platform. If you're a content creator, your always looking to gain more subscribers, more likes, more shares. You invest money into cameras and lighting equipment. You might build an at home studio. I did. I started a YouTube channel at first to share my experience as a new Muslim. I then wanted to create a group where we could all support each other in practicing Islam. I then got distracted by the numbers.......
If a white woman posted her experience as a new Muslim, she had thousands of views and subscribers after only a few days. If a Muslim wearing a scarf had on piles of make up and wanted to show us how to make our hijabs more modern looking, she also gained tons of support. I'm not white and I'm not a model or brand. Was I jealous? Mad that these sisters are more "worthy" of views, likes and subscribers? Maybe. But, I constantly asked myself the question. Did I start this channel to become popular or to share what I learned? The answer was always the same. I just wanted to share.
There is a verse in the Quran where Allah is telling the believing men and women to "lower their gaze"........gaze... (surah An-Nur 24:30). Gaze is defined in the English language as "to look at something or someone for a long time, especially in surprise or admiration.....(Cambridge dictionary). Merriam Webster defines gaze as "to fix the eyes in a steady intent look often with eagerness or studious attention". It reminds me of the slang word "thirsty" which means to be desperate. We hear many reminders to lower the gaze, lower the gaze......what about the ones who want to be gazed upon? Was I one of those? The one that gazes is doing too much but what about the one that is calling for it. The one wanting to be looked at with admiration. I didn't want to become either of them. It was never that serious.
I pray that as you read this, that you are in the best of health and spirit. That you are in touch with your purpose and not merely gazing through life or wanting to be one to be gazed upon. I pray that you are not allowing this screen to dictate weather or not you have a great day.....or a good life. I pray that you can disconnect and unplug.........like....right now.......just put down your device.....and go outside.....stare out of the window in silence at the very least.......and experience what's real.
Your sister,
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