Running from ourselves
We have so many challenges today. Politics have the nation divided. Wars have people heartbroken and angry. Gas prices and living expenses are at an all time high, and these are just a few things going on outside.
Inside, at home, we're dysfunctional, chaotic and rotten. We run outside as a way to escape our own selves. We neglect ourselves in a way that is self destructive, by escaping to issues that we have no solutions for, or anything real to offer, which only snowballs and buries us. An example of this is those of us hide under our "work".
In a day when most people have an equal amount of access to information, we tend to only to look for information on the things that validate and feed our egos. We selectively self diagnose to excuse our bad behavior and to avoid accountability. We troll and put others down in our self righteousness and when we don't get what we want, we create a life or death ultimatum holding all near us emotionally hostage.
What am I really talking about here? What is my point?
We've lost or have never received any self discipline or home training. The basic lessons of respect, discipline and accountability from home so that you wont have to learn it in the world has been thrown out of the window.
What is the solution?
Stop running!
Sit in your messy, garbage filled chaos and accept that this is not going to change or go away until you make it your first priority.
This doesn't mean that you don't help other people or stand up for causes that are righteous. It means you stop showing up dragging your garbage. When you carry heavy baggage, you have nothing to offer but noise. Some of us don't want to go home. Many of us are runaways believing that this isn't even possible when everywhere we go the baggage follows.
This is why we are so emotionally/spiritually and even physically out of control. This state is the opposite of discipline and maturity. The result of healthy home training.
Before you can receive any home training, you first need a home. We all have one believe it or not. We may just be hanging out on the porch or in the yard moving like a stray. To be emotionally/spiritually homeless is to be a vagrant, a tramp, someone without a foundation or roots. Stop avoiding yourself and Go Home. Look within your heart. Access and accept the condition of the home that you are in. No matter how many times you physically move, how many corporate ladders you climb, how many friendships or relationships you build or break, the condition of your heart (your home) will never change until you do the work to change it. Stop depending on others to do it for you. They can't.
This is perhaps why so many have abandoned the idea of religion. Why so many have labeled everyone as abusive and controlling when it comes to accountability. We only want to be pacified. All that matters are emotions. Feelings are the idols of the day and logic is something that we label as bad. How extreme and imbalanced we've become.
Emotions and the world of the unseen, isn't tangible and because of this, we believe it to be only subjective or an opinion. It is not. Its subjective whether or not vanilla is a good flavor. Its subjective whether or not pink is the best color. What's objective or a fact is that what you neglect, starves and dies. What you feed grows, and lives. What you consume is what you ultimate become. So, why don't we own that we are the gatekeepers as to what we allow ourselves to be exposed to. Why cant we admit that it is our inner selves, our desires that are in control and calling the shots in our lives and not our higher self that is supposed to be mature, disciplined and accountable?
Because its easy......... Being weak has always been easy, its just now being rewarded.
Social media is a prime example to my point of our condition. It has given a unique window, which up until now was kept secret. Social media has exposed who we really are. It has provided a platform to create and display who we really are, would like to be, or would want others to think of us. Social media has exposed how diseased and immature our hearts really are.
Some of us have jumped on, been scared of what we saw within ourselves or in others and then fell back. Using social media on a bare minimum bases. These are the few people that talk only business/network online without any apologies. Some of us have totally disrobed to complete strangers and people in all categories believing our "vulnerability" will free us when it has only made official the obsession with validation you truly require.
Social media made official the mess that is within ourselves. Its been a mirror that we've not honestly looked into because we're so convinced that it is actually helps others. It doesn't. Social media is just one room in your house, perhaps the front yard and porch. Have you taken a hard look at it? Have you scanned what you put out from the perspective of someone else and asked if this was a home you'd like to spend time in? Its just an emotional outlet......a public "Dear diary" of yesterday. Try being honest and take account for what you've put out. If your uncomfortable then your doing it correctly.
Make a choice. Similar to getting on a scale. Numbers don't lie. When that scale stops at a number that you know is too high, you have a decision to make with that truth. You can do like most and believe you can find comfort in the warning right in front of you. You might believe you will be the exception to any consequences. But if you're honest and care about yourself, or you will commit to change.
The house collectively as a community no longer exists. The home of our family or those we love the most has been burnt to the ground. The belief that we need no one and can make it alone has been proven to be a Pipe Pipers lie but it is not too late.
Each and every day, hour and minute is a chance to save ourselves. This begins with cleaning our homes. Our hearts. In this way we might be able to share real treasures with those around us that can truly make a difference.
The bad news, for some, is that the only way to truly start this task of house cleaning is to commit to The Creator of you, I and everything in existence. Our Creator is not the universe, because the universe is a creation. Our Creator is not anything that has been created because that cancels itself out. Our Creator is Alone and Unique having dependency one NO ONE or NOTHING whom everything and everyone depends on.
Accepting this fact, that you were created and are under the direct and literal mercy of The Almighty, whether you acknowledge or not, should already humble and slow you down. This should bring some peace. You dent carry the world on your shoulders or in your hand. Nor were you created to.
You don't know what your doing. You created the mess in your home to begin with even if it was given to you broken. You cant fix it on your own. You've tried so many times so many different ways. You also try to escape your own work because healing doesn't begin or end with you. Healing is only possible when connected to its Source, The Healer. The One who Created you for Him.
This is good news to the one who doesn't struggle with spiritual/ emotional arrogance. This is a relief to the one who believed they had to create a system, which they have tried and failed because The Creator has already created it. One needs only to submit. This is good news to the one looking for true peace and not obsessed with happiness. This is bad news to the one wanting to continue to worship themselves and desires. This is one chasing a mirage or drinking salt water.
Start with humility. How do you or I know what is best for us? We don't know the purpose of our tonsils, how many hairs on our head we have, have never seen our organs. We can't subtract or add to time. How can we believe that Our Creator, if acknowledged is to serves us and not the other way around and ignore how arrogant that is?
You've been in control this whole time (or so you think). Has it been working out? Have you avoided bad days? Have you gotten the world to submit to you and your desires? Have you created a paradise on Earth where you are as comfortably as a nursing baby?
Commit to opening your eyes with honesty. Take in the mess that is our home which is our heart. There are rooms that a wreck. There is garbage rotting which has kept healthy people from coming around. Stop believing that we can run away from this mess and commit to start by sitting in where we are and asking The Creator to help us clean and put things in order. We can do this. Its what we were made for.
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