Netflix: Passing

Passing is based on a novel written by Nella Larsen starring Tessa Thompson and Ruth Negga directed by Rebecca Hall. Premiering in 2021, this film is shot in black and white, and based in 1920s New York' Harlem.

This movie is a soft, and easy angle to consider what those who had "passed" (if any are still) endured. Claire, (played by Ruth Negga) a beautiful wealthy married woman, passing as white, runs into a childhood friend. Irene (Tessa Thompson), who is also well to-do. Irene's husband is a physician, together they have two young sons, and help to run the house. Claires husband, John (played by Alexander Skarsgard) a racists white man, makes it a point to let Irene know that its not that he doesn't like black people, but that he actually hates them. 

I don't want to give away any spoilers to anyone looking to be surprised. Come back after you've watched it yourself and share your thoughts.

The 1920s is one of my favorite eras in American history. I love the beautiful hats and fascinators. The flapper dresses, the small heels and that's just the fashion. I appreciated that from the decor of the homes, hotels, city, garden and fashion, it was a very beautiful movie to watch. Even in black and white.

However, I wished there had been more mention of the world that Clare had left after she started passing. You would think that now that she was "back", her family, other childhood friends or someone from the past would have given her more of back story to give reason to why she left and what she missed. The first thing that I would mention that I noticed was how I wished they would have changed the accent of Tessa Thompson. I could not help but to think of Judy Garland in "The Wizard of Oz". Her accent was much too forced and unnatural like all of the others. 

I also did not understand why the way that Irene treated her "help" and the story behind that was not addressed. There was point where I thought that perhaps Irene would be made to be an actual white woman passing as black. She just seemed to have to force being happy in her situation if just the wind blew. The distance she kept with her husband Brian (played by Andre Holland) was so confusing that I had to write it off as pettiness. Why didn't she appreciate how in touch with the community and the real world her husband was? Despite being a doctor, he had not lost sight, nor had forgotten about the dangers that people of the African descent faced especially men. I didn't think it was appropriate or even realistic that Clare could shut down her husband in private and in the presence of their children when he was teaching. I thought, either she ends up being a white woman passing as black or this entire thing was written by women. I was correct about the latter. 

Passing could have done without the same-sex-attraction is alluded to in the most awkward moments. It would have made it even more beautiful. Instead, as a audience I feared either Irene would lose her husband to Claire or want Claire for herself losing everything. This has never been reality. Women are not fantasizing about other women as a default. Its "cringe" and getting really old. 

The acting was amazing though. I have to give the actors credit for that. To see a movie where there were black men and women that were educated, could hang out with integrity, they had families, this was more of what the real world looked like before digital media. 

For those that want to see this movie, I think that its a different angle to look at "passing". The way that those who practiced it had to leave everything and live having nothing really (but fear) had me think of them in a new light. I could only see "passing" a temporary option for spying, infiltrating and the likes. However, what of those that felt they had no one? Orphans, widows, women wanting an education or wealth and thinking that this was an option. I try not to judge, just understand even if I don't agree. Perhaps I'll check out the book and compare but for now I'd say this movie is safe for children and families. Be sure to check it our for yourself and let me know what you walked away with.


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