Don't Judge Me

Dear Sisters taking off your hijabs,

If you were introduced to a group of people in hijab and you formed relationships with others with this identity then one day decided to take it off, please do not be surprised if they are shocked, confused and ask you why. Wearing an ayat of the Quran is only by permission of Allah swt so if you don't want to wear it after once again, establishing yourself with this identity then please be patient with those who thought they knew you and realize that they don't. 

Do not defend your choice to take off the hijab by asking people not to form an opinion or to “judge” the situation. That's like one day showing up at a sisters house with a beer and saying “don’t judge me” or eating a big piece of pork chop and surprised that Muslims are looking at you crazy. There's condemning that we should never do and there is making logical decisions i.e. judgments that everyone has the right to do that you need to prepare for and accept. Just like you want your decision respected and accepted.

Many of us lost family and friends for converting or practicing Islam. That was not them being judgmental that was a choice they made for their lives. Everyone has the right to pick their friends, and whom they want to spend their time with. Who thy want to be associated with and influenced by.

And for those of us who don't want to see our sisters whom we might have meet covered now online now dressed like extras for a Cardi B video, we have the right to no longer follow, and block. It’s that simple. Its a choice.

You see social media is all about attention so if you don't want attention then don't

 post. And if there is something on your timeline that upsets or offends you then unfollow or block.


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